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    Impressed and inspired – Longines World Equestrian Academy’s Summer Camp in Riesenbeck was a success

    „I have learned so much and been so inspired, that I still need to let it all sink in“, said Rebecca Yorke from Ireland. The young and talented showjumper was one of the eight international students who took part at the Longines World Equestrian Academy’s Summer Camp 2017 in Riesenbeck.

    "Success is not a matter of chance", says Ludger Beerbaum, president of the Longines World Equestrian Academy (LWEA). In 2016 Longines announced  together with four times olympic gold medal winner Ludger Beerbaum and CEO of Dashing Equestrian Jing Li the creation of the Longines World Equestrian Academy. The aim of this academy is to promote the equestrian discipline of show jumping in China/Asia, as well as mediate best practice to all the professionals of this sport, with a special focus on horse welfare.  The horse riding sport in China is just at the beginning but one can see the rapid development and there is a great urge to learn from Europe. Ludger Beerbaum is convinced that riders from Asian countries have a good chance to succeed at international shows in the medium turn. Juan-Carlos Capelli, Vice President of Longines and Head of International Marketing, said, “Longines is a brand deeply involved in equestrian sports, having a long lasting passion of more than a century for them and sharing the common values of Elegance, Tradition and Performance with the equestrian world. Therefore we are very excited to support the Longines World Equestrian Academy’s purpose of further developing equestrian sports in such a high potential region as China.”

    Daily riding, fitness for the riders, focus on the correct seat and insight to managing sport horses were just a fraction of the eight day long agenda during the summer camp in Riesenbeck. The group visited a horse museum in Münster and the „Equestrian Mecca“ of Warendorf. In Münster the campers also got the chance to visit the CSI4* competition „Turnier der Sieger“ and on the last day of the camp the group visited Valkenswaard and got to observe the best riders and horses in the world competing at the „Longines Global Champions Tour“.

    The highlight of the camp was surely jumping a course with Ludger Beerbaum, who walked the course with his students, watched them ride and gave them feedback after their performances. „That was really a great experience“, said Rohan from New Zeeland, who traveled all the way to Germany with his mother. Amirata from Iran already had some experience from international competition. Never the less, he was „very excited“, to meet his idol ,the four time Olympic Champion Ludger Beerbaum, and to be able to train with him.

    „I am impressed with their riding skills“, said Ludger Beerbaum, as he handed the campers their certificates at the Certificate Ceremony – on the very same day that he himself for 25 years ago won the individual gold medal at the Olympic Games in Barcelona with his mare Classic Touch. The campers had prepared a special dessert with the message „Classic Touch 1992“ on it. „What a nice gesture“, smiled Ludger Beerbaum.  

    Meriel from Estonia, who studies horse management in England, fell in love with the horse that she got to borrow from Ludger Beerbaum Stables during the camp. „I would love to take this Goldfever-son home with me“, she laughed. Rebecca and Ben, a 16-year-old student from Germany, were the only ones that brought their own horses to Riesenbeck. They were the two lucky winners from over 500 people that took part in the competition to win a free spot at the camp. „Am I allowed to apply again next year?“ was Rebecca’s only question as the camp ended.  




    August 16, 2017 - 10:10
    LWEA, Susanne
    Hi Rebecca It was a great pleasure to host you and your father for the LWEA Summer Camp. All the best for your future!

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