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    Ludger Beerbaum Stables GmbH

    Prozessionsweg 51 b
    48477 Riesenbeck

    Managing Director:

    Ludger Beerbaum

    Company with limited liability
    Amtsgericht IbbenbürenHRB 5586

    Ust.-IdNr.: DE171982919
    St.Nr.: 327/5880/7972



    Concept, design, implementation by Media Stables / Sebastian Golubski GmbH



    Photo Sources

    Riesenbeck International
    Dashing stables
    Mark gr. Feldhaus


    Great care has been taken in compiling these web pages. However, mistakes can happen during processing, and we cannot therefore give any guarantee for their correctness, completeness and currency. We are responsible in general law under § 7 Abs.1 TMG for the correctness of our own information as the content provider in these pages. Under §§ 8 to 10 TMG we are not obligated or obliged to monitor information which does not originate from us, or to verify the probity or lawfulness of such external information. Obligations to remove or block the use of information in line with general law remain unaffected. Such a liability is only possible from the moment a definite law infringement has become known to us. When such law infringement has been notified to us, we will remove the contents immediately.

    Liability for links

    Our website contains links to third party websites over the contents of which we have no influence. We cannot therefore accept any liability for the contents of these third party websites. The responsibility for this lays with the content providers. The linked pages were checked for possible infringements at the time of linking and none were obvious at that time. However, to carry out checks of linked sites on a permanent basis would be unreasonable without a definite lead to a possible infringement. We will remove any links on notification of any law infringement.


    German copyright law protects the contents of these webpages. The copying, adaptation, circulation and any kind of exploitation, commercialization or utilization of this contents outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the respective author. Downloads and copies of these pages are only permitted for personal use. Copyright of third parties’s contents has been taken note of as far as the contents of this site does not originate from the operator. Contents by third parties are particularly identified as such. Should you nevertheless notice an infringement of copyright, please advise us. We will immediately remove such contents.

    Data Protection

    The use of our website is usually possible without disclosing any personal details. The provision of personal details (such as name, address or e-mail address) is, whenever possible, made voluntarily. These details will not be passed to third parties without your express permission. We would like to inform you that the transmission of data using the internet (such as e-mail) can have security holes. It is not possible to guarantee the security of such data. It is strictly prohibited in the context of this Disclaimer to pass on to any contacts, advertisements or information material unless such has been expressly requested. We reserve the right to take legal action in cases of unrequested advertisements, such as spam-mail.