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    Horses, as a heroic animal, became the symbol of the mighty and fearless spirit. They have been conquered by mankind for thousands of years. They are generous and excited for the success of the owner. Horses have always played an important position in the historical heritage, their mighty and gentle won the people's favorite and respect.


    As the first international equestrian Show Jumping in the Bird‘s Nest (National Stadium in China), LONGINES Equestrian Beijing Masters will celebrate its 7-years’ anniversary in October. So we will launch the solicitation competition for the official mascot of Beijing Masters. We are expecting for the designers, art students and equestrian lovers communicating the elegant equestrian sport through a playful way to the different cultures and ages of people.


    The main requirements for selection of mascot are: use horse as the main image, lovely and suitable for communication, have flexibility to meet the all needs of business development (such as dolls, animation, games, etc.). Like the mascot of Chio Aachen, Karli, who has became a symbol of Aachen.


    The manuscripts should be composed of the following parts: 3 views of the core cartoon image, mascot name and simple background story like this mascot of Sochi. You can also submit 3D design if it’s possible. Participants should attach the contact in the mail.


    The solicitation is based on network. The event organizers Beijing Dashing Equestrian Culture Co.,Ltd. will have the ownership of mascot. The selection and voting will be opened to public to select a best work.

    The official mascot will be showed during the press conference of LONGINES Equestrian Beijing Masters.


    Time: APR.1 – JUN. 15, 2017

    Contract mail: ricky.he@beijingmasters.com

    Shortlist announced: Jul. 1, 2017

    Final image announced: Jul.15, 2017


    1.       Melitta® Caffeo Passione ® F53(Value: RMB10000)

    2.       Limited mascot

    3.       Award certificate

    4.       Family Tickets of LONGINES Beijing Masters 2017


    Oct.13-15, expecting your artworks showing in Bird’s Nest!


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